Introduction to Yoga

"Yoga is the Journey of the self, through the self to the self"
The word Yoga means ‘unity’ or ‘oneness’ and is derieved from the Sanskrit word YUJ, which means ‘to join’. Yoga is a means of balancing and harmonizing the body, mind and emotions. This is done through the practice of asana, pranayam, mudra, bandha, shatkarma and meditation. Physical and mental cleansing and strengthening is one of yoga’s most important achievements. What makes it so powerful and effective is the fact that it works on the holistic principles of harmony and unification. According to medical scientists, yoga therapy is successful because of the balance created in the nervous and endocrine systems which directly influences all the other systems and organs of the body.

About Yogasana

In the yoga sutras Of Patanjali there is a concise definition of Yogasana “Sthiram Sukham Aasanam”, meaning ‘that position which is comfortable and steady’. In the yogic scriptures it is said that there were originally 8,400,000 asanas, which represent the 8,400,000 incarnations every individual must pass through before attaining liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Yogasanas classified. The asanas classified into three groups: beginners,intermediate and advanced.

  • The beginners group should be performed by those who never practised yogasanas before.
  • The intermediate group consists of asanas which are reasonably difficult and are recommended for people who can perform the beginners group without discomfort or strain.
  • The Advanced group is intended for people with extensive control over their muscles and nervous system, who have already mastered the middle group of asanas.

Benefit Of Yoga

Yoga practices often involve energetic movements of the body. Its increase flexibility, improve circulation, tone the muscles and joints, release energy blocks and remove waste from different parts of the body. These asanas strengthen the lungs and improve the digestive and excretory system.

  1. Increase flexibility and metabolism.
  2. Helps to gain control of breath.
  3. Cure many diseases.
  4. Help to gain stress free Mind.
  5. Complete detoxification.
  6. Weight reduction.
  7. Improved respiration.
  8. Increases muscle strength.
  9. Boost immunity and Physique health.
  10. Improve Positivity about life.

Comparison between Yoga and Exercise

Benefits Yoga Exercise
Effective Organs Yoga is effective in all the parts of the body. Exercise is effective only to the specific parts of the body.
Loss of Energy Here the loss of energy is less. Here the loss of energy is more.
Freshness and flexibility One feels fresh after practicing yoga. One feels tired after practicing at the gym.
Eligibility Yoga can be practiced by everyone. One can practice at the Gym only after a certain age.
Effect on Internal Organs Yoga fully affects all internal systems of body. Exercise does not affect the internal systems of body.
Stress and Psycho Diseases It reduces the stress and psycho diseases and gives internal stability. It is not concern with the psychological diseases.